Training for Future-Proof Jobs in Mali

Mali faces crises on multiple fronts—including violent conflict and climate change (UNICEF 2023d)—and its large youth population suffers from a shortage of decent jobs and farming opportunities. One young mother, Fatoumata Zara Nikingam, describes her often limited access to affordable and nutritious food options: “High food prices and a decrease in income from sales during the rainy season, from July to August, make it difficult for us to acquire the necessary sustenance for ourselves and our children,” she says.
Karim Yalcouye confronts similar difficulties. Karim had to leave school at the age of 14 to provide for his family. “Being the sole provider for my family comes with its challenges,” he says. “Daily expenses, such as food, clothing for the children, and school-related costs, often put a strain on our financial situation. However, I face these challenges, determined to ensure that my wife, daughter, and extended family have their basic needs met.”
Fatoumata and Karim are both participants in the Skill Up! project Promoting Green Jobs for Youth in Future-Proof Sectors. The project aims to boost employment of vulnerable youth aged 18–35 in the Ségou region of Mali through vocational and entrepreneurial training in sectors like sustainable agriculture, digital innovation, waste recycling, and renewable energy.
“Participating in the Skill Up! program has been a turning point in my journey,” says Karim. “The program has provided me with valuable skills and knowledge to improve my business operations and expand my customer base. Through Skill Up! I envision a future where I can better support my family and make a positive impact in our community.”
Karim believes in young people as key agents of change. “I believe that with the right support and opportunities, individuals like myself can create lasting change. Together, we can build a better future, not just for ourselves but for the generations to come.”
With entrepreneurial energy, Fatoumata engages in smallscale trading of clothing, helps her husband in their family-owned shea butter production business, and leads Marta Briquette, a company that manufactures ecofriendly charcoal made from plant residues such as wild shrubs, mango skins and pits, and shea nut shells.
“Being part of Skill Up! will open new possibilities for my business,” she says. “The trainings are already helping me improve my skills and product quality.” She adds: “In the coming years, I aspire to expand my business to reach more customers and make a bigger impact in Mali. I dream of being a role model to inspire others in my community to adopt sustainable practices and care for the environment.”